170 - #ThrowbackThursday: 100 Ways to Spend This Summer 💯
As we’ve done in summers past, we’re taking a break from publishing new lists until the fall. But this year—especially with so many new subscribers—we want to keep your inboxes regularly filled! 💌
To that end, over the next few weeks we’ll be throwing it back on Thursdays with updates to some of our favourite lists.
We’re starting this week with a few tweaks to our original “100 Ways to Spend this Summer.” 👏
Wash your hands
Enjoy a “Big Slice®” al fresco after midnight
Visit The C*ves
Circumnavigate “Lake Fanshawe”
Discover the Banana Kingdom
Explore a neighbouring neighbourhood
Watch for new murals
Paint new murals
Build a fort in Kelly Park
Staycation with a vacation energy (see #50)
Spice it up with some herbs from the Old South Herb Box Project
Hit the “beach” that’s taking shape along the river between Oxford and Blackfriars
Revisit the mini golf of the backyard—croquet
Play Lawn Games
Support London’s Black-owned businesses
Plant a community garden plot
Subscribe to the London’s Pretty Cool podcast
Feed the fish at the Civic Gardens’ fish pond
Ignore your vehicle
Keep covering the sidewalks with chalk-art
Call for change
Join your neighbourhood community association
Make trading cards of your friends (like this)
Plant a secret time capsule in a park somewhere
Imagine next summer
Take the family and a hibachi to Springbank Park for a picnic
Learn your neighbours’ favourite food
Start your weekends at the Covent Garden Market and/or The Market at the Western Fair District
Watch out for the carnivorous plants at Sifton Bog
Show your Pride with your own parade
Get offline
Take a hike in Komoka and cool off in the river
Give (or get) a haircut
Return to London's punk roots
Check out See Collective’s archives for a glimpse into the city’s art scene
Spend your staycation travelling the world
Pump the adrenaline at Boler Mountain’s Treetop Adventure
Spread out a blanket and enjoy a bottle of w*ne in ______ Park
Start birding
Phone a friend
Check out LondonFuse’s archives before they’re gone!
Write your councillor, again.
Check out some of the city’s best neon.
See the sights at river lookouts
Check out the Mushkeeki Gitigan (Medicine Garden) located inside the Carolinian Food Forest at South Branch Park.
Write a letter to someone in a nursing home
Try the Urban Roots local produce market
Create a backyard water park
Wave to the “friendly duck(s)” at Storybook Gardens
Bucket list
Savor local strawberries while they’re in season
Wash your hands
Find a food truck (hint: they’re easy to find on Wednesdays)
Sit on a park bench (because you can)
Take your yoga practise outside
Make something
Get Downtown
Re-read all of our lists 💯
“Hang out” with Jeff and Liam at Reg Cooper Square
Shoot some hoops
Tune in to Radio Western and The X regularly
Get Sidetracked
Make a donation to Home County Music & Art Festival anyway
Drive-In for a movie under the stars.
Create a “monument” tour that includes a Rhinoceros, Engine 86, Sasquatch...
Enjoy the Food Forest at Wood St Park
Read Greg Curnoe’s Deeds/Abstracts
Create a team (soccer, gardening, kickball, whatever)
Make your own list and share it with friends!
🔺Peak Professionals Realty Inc.
Patrons: Sameer Vasta / Mike Donachie / Heenal Rajani / Rebecca Minielly / web.isod.es / Scott Webb / Black Coffee / Earmark / Rachel Berdan / Shawn Adamsson / London Bicycle Café / Paul Seale / Alec Dowell / Dan Hall / Sidetrack: A Wortley Café / Kelly Ziegner / Skylar Franke / Ellen Husk / Arielle Kayabaga / Kevin May / Erin Naylor / Don Minato / Ethan Halko / Phronk / The McClenaghans / Alex Jaworiwsky / Pat Dryburgh Founding Editors: Jon Clemens / Titus Ferguson / James Kingsley / Steve MacDouell / Rebecca Minielly / Kevin Van Lierop Editorial Support: Kendra Perera Editor: James Kingsley
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