071 - Forest City Podcasts 🎧
🎧 Forest City Podcasts
Podcasts fuel many great watercooler conversations. Beyond the lunchroom, an increasing number of Londoners have been scooped up by podcast-mania as they take to the “airwaves” and produce their own content. Here’s just some of our favourite homegrown programs for your listening pleasure!
🕵️ Character-Building
We gotta start our list with the pairing of Towards London and Branding LdnOnt: two podcasts diving deep into the unique personality of London. Exploring science, healthcare, politics and social enterprise, these podcasts build an impressive picture of a city at the forefront of thought, innovation and practice.
👀 Sneak Peek
Looking for the inside scoop on a world you wouldn’t otherwise know much about? Something Simple’s Nitty Gritty Podcast delves into the inner workings of life as a creative entrepreneur, while Afternoon Bloom walks you through pretty much anything you’ve ever wanted to know about coffee. Encouraging listeners to look at their everyday lives through an intersectional lens, RETWEET serves up another angle on “ordinary” stuff.
🙃 Totally Random
Yes, dear readers, your fellow citizens are producing podcasts about Nicholas Cage, Netflix, Tongue Twisters, and Weezer—say it ain’t so!
💭 Learn
Looking for something a bit more...academic? James Shelley’s Curious Public asks a bunch of great questions to a bunch of great people. Follow local political scientist Kate Graham, PhD and co. as they dig into “the political journeys of Canada’s 12 female first ministers” on the No Second Chances Podcast. Get out of this world with Western Worlds’ bi-weekly podcast focused on outer space.
This week's edition of The Localist made possible by the kind support of:
Patrons: Jon Clemens, Brown and Dickson, Sameer Vasta, Matthew Wilson, Mike Donachie, Heenal Rajani, Shelley Carr, web.isod.es, Shawn Adamsson, Scott Webb, Prime Real Estate Editors: Titus Ferguson, James Kingsley, Rebecca Minielly
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